Ruth Berman, author and poet

A word from the Author

I write speculative fiction, poems (often on sf themes), and occasionally articles (usually on sf themes). When I was in high school, having read about sf fandom and fanzines in Anthony Boucher's Rocket to the Morgue, I informed my classmates Eleanor Arnason (who also became a fiction writer and poet) and Ron Whyte (who became a playwright) that as we were sf fans, we also should be putting out a fanzine. Read more...

Ruth Berman




Ruth has authored or co-authored 2 books, edited or co-edited 3 books, and translated 2 books. Her fantasy novel, Bradamant's Quest, received the Midwest Book Award. She also has a number of pubished short stories and articles to her credit.



Ruth has written numerous poems, appearing in a variety of publications. She has received the Rhysling Award for science fiction poetry twice: in 2003 and 2016. She has worked as poetry editor for Mythlore and Pandora.


Ph. D.

Ruth has a Ph.D in English (1979) in the area of fantasy literature: Suspending Disbelief: the development of fantasy as a literary genre in nineteenth-century British fiction as represented by four leading periodicals, Edinburgh Review, Blackwood’s, Fraser’s, and Cornhill.



Ruth was an original member of the International Wizard of Oz Club (1957) and wrote for The Baum Bugle.


Dr. Who

Ruth has been interested in Dr. Who since the 1980s. She was a contributor to Dr. Who fan publications through the years.


Star Trek

Ruth worked on the set of original Star Trek in the 1960s, producing the newsletter issued by Lincoln Enterprises called Inside Star Trek. She also edited and published the Star Trek fanzine, T-Negative.



Ruth read Lord of the Rings when it was first published, and contributed two poems to The Tolkien Scrapbook. She is a member of the Mythopoeic Society and the Rivendell Discussion Group of the Mythopoeic Society.


Sherlock Holmes

Ruth has a long time interest in Sherlock Holmes. Her short story, "Sherlock Homes in Oz" appeared in The Game Is Afoot, and her article "Elementary Holmes: Sherlockian Children's Literature" appeared in Sherlock Holmes: the Detective and the Collector.



Ruth has edited the Star Trek Songbook and co-edited The Middle-earth Songbook. She was the accompanist for the fan-produced musicals HMS Trek-A-Star and Enterprise!.


Bradamant's Quest cover
Bradamant's Quest


Autumn World cover
Autumn World


Sherlock Homes in Oz and Others cover
"Sherlock Holmes in Oz" and Others


Dear Poppa: The World War II Berman Family Letters      collection: editor
The Kerlan Awards in Children's Literature, 1975-2001       collection: editor
Sissajig and Other Surprises by Ruth Plumly Thompson       collection: co-editor
The Prince of the Aquamarines/The Invisible Prince by Louise Cavelier Levesque translator
Trilby/The Crumb Fairy by Charles Nodier       translator
Tales of King Cambrinus by Charles Duelin       translator


Astounding (John W. Campbell) Award for best new writer nominee, 1973
Minnesota Fantasy Award       October 2, 2004
Midwest Book Award, first place for Bradamant's Quest   2012
Rhysling Award for science fiction poetry
  •      “Time Travel Vocabulary Problems” — short poem — winner    2016
  •      “Science Fiction (with apologies to Marianne Moore's "Poetry")”
             — short poem — 2nd place    2015
  •      “Potherb Gardening” — short poem — winner    2003


Interview with Ruth Berman on October 2, 2004 with TV Bookshelf on the occasion of Ruth receiving the Minnesota Fantasy Award (award presentation and acceptance speech is at the end of the interiew).

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