Ruth Berman's poetry

Poetry Readings


“Potherb Gardening,” Asimov’s Science Fiction, 26 (December 2002), Rhysling Award Winner.

“The Boy in the Golden Atom,” Star*Line, 21 (May-June 1998), 8.           

“Holidays on the Planet with No Axial Tilt,” River Images, 2 (Spring 2000), 17.      


Three Poems by Ruth Berman

Potherb Gardening
by Ruth Berman


Now a garden for the craft,
Said the witch,
Needs fertilizing, same's you would
Your roses or your kitchengarden -
Same, I mean, except, of course,
You want special dung for special gardens.

Unicorn-soil gets rid of poisons
Spreading from your upas tree.
It also discourages rabbits and tent-worms.

Mermaid-soil's good for marshes.

Roc-soil will encourage your aconite
And cloudberry or yellowrocket or
wingwort -
Anything you plan to stir in flying potions.
Griffin-soil's good, too,
Phoenix if you can get it,
But it's pricey,
And if it's offered in a catalogue,
It's probably not the real thing, anyhow,
I don't care how old and established and reliable.

Don't use dragon-soil -
It'll burn the roots
Even of fireweed and flame trees.

Fairies, now, say they don't produce
And no use asking -
They're too ethereal
Too above that sort of thing.
Where they've been dancing, though,
You get good mushrooms.

Knowledge Of
(For Laurel)
by Ruth Berman


Eve biting into Newton's apple
Knew the attraction between the globes
Of fruit and Earth,
The bodies of herself and Adam,
The gravity of holding
The bubbles shaped by surfaces of stars.

Eve tasted the tart universe
Holding the red shift in her hands.

Time Travel Vocabulary Problems
by Ruth Berman


One term I was taking both a Greek course
And an Anglo-Saxon,
Doing poorly in both.

English majors had to take Old English,
And I'd always wanted to learn Greek
Since reading all the books
On the school library's
Mythology-and-fairytales shelf
In third grade.

I dreamt one night,
About mid-term time,
I'd travelled to Anglo-Saxon England
And I was trying to say
“I have come from
The time which shall be.”
But Anglo-Saxon didn't
Have a future tense,
So I couldn't figure out
A way to tell anyone.

Then I met a scholarly cleric
Who'd studied Greek,
And I should've been
Able to tell him.
Greek had a future tense.
But I couldn't remember it.

My scholar'd read Beowulf
And wanted to know where dragons lived.
I would've liked to tell him about dinosaurs.
“Terrible lizards?” he said, confused.
Didn't have the words to explain that, either.


Most recent published poems



"Dragons Got Wings," Dreams and Nightmares, 125, May 2023

"Miriam the Prophetess," Blue Unicorn, 46, Spring 2023

"Genealogical Dispute," Blue Unicorn, 47, Fall 2023

"Hadrosaur Soloists," California Quarterly, 49, Spring 2023

"Asimov and the Wonders," California Quarterly, 49, Spring 2023

"Early Robins Looking for April," third place, Coral Peterson Memorial Award, The League of Minnesota Poets

"Manifesto Fourth of July," runner-up, Mike Finely Humor Award, The League of Minnesota Poets



"Balancing the Books," Blue Unicorn, 46, Fall 2022

"Uncle Filming," The Rockford Review, 41, Fall-Winter 2022

"Traditionary Inheritance," American Jewish World, 110, April 2022

"Who So," Illuminations, 37, Summer 2022

"Werewolves in Space," Dreams and Nightmares, 121, May 2022

"Casting Call: Oldsters," Star*Line, Fall 2022



"Watson's Plane," Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, January-February 2021

"Practical Magic," Avalon Literary Review, Summer 2021

"Night Group Application," Denver Quarterly, 56 (#1 December 2021)



"The Riches of the Cloud Country," Asimov's Science Fiction, May/June 2020

"Casting Call: Youngsters," Eye to the Telescope, No. 35, January 2020, pp. 12-13

"Crow Tree," The Rockford Review, Winter-Spring 2020

"After Storm Woods," Indefinite Space, 28, 2020

"Marble Converse," Whistling Shade, 20, Spring/Summer 2020

"Extra Orchestration," "Updated Rules," Summer 2020, Illuminations

"On the Extensions of the Copyright Protection Racket," Fall 2020, Blue Unicorn

"Carmen's Tarot," Talking River, 149, Fall 2020

"Watching for O," Caveat Lector, 31, (#1 2020)



"Storm Migration," Spring 2019, Blue Unicorn

"Spring Run-Off," Whistling Shade, 19, Spring-Summer 2019

"Hydrotherapy for Tantrums," Fall 2019, Blue Unicorn

"Crow and Easy Prey," The Listening Eye 2019


Selected Bibliography (poems, grouped by publication)


Poems in sf/fantasy magazines and anthologies

“Immigrant to Desert-World,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 1 (Fall 1977), 126 (reprinted in Asimov's Choice: Astronauts and Androids, NY: Davis, 1977, p. 46); and “Low Grav-i-tee,” p. 126.

“Low Grav-i-tee,” Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction , 1 (Fall 1977), 126.

“Diamond in the Sky,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 14 (March 1990), 101.

“The Legend of the Mannikin,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 15 (July 1990), 15.

“Silicon Guests,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 16 (mid-December 1991), 67.

“Brownies at Work,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 24 (September 1995), 57.

“Technoghosts,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 24 (February 2000), 41.

“Pet Fossil,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 24 (June 2000), 88-89.

“Renting the Overgrown Grounds,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 25 (January 2001), 85.

“Weekend Cottage in the Woods,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 25 (February 2001), 93.

“Potherb Gardening,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 26 (December 2002), 91 (reprinted in Nebula Awards Showcase 2005, The Year’s Best SF and Fantasy, ed. Jack Dann, NY: Roc, 2005, p. 250).

“Knowledge Of,” in Nebula Awards Showcase 2008, The Year's Best SF and Fantasy, ed. Ben Bova, NY: Roc, 2008, p. 225 (reprinted from Kerem: Creative Explorations in Judaism, 10 [5766/2005-2006], 104).

“New Lightning,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 27 (January 2003), 63.

“TV Tea,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 28 (February 2004), 31.

“Pocket Poltergeist,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 28 (December 2004), 81.

“Cat Spacesuit,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 31 (March 2004), 81.

“Alternate Astrology,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 31 (March 2007), 7.

“The Angel Who Writes,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 31 (April/May 2007), 173.

“Snow Angels,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 32 (March 2008), 11.

“Time Travel Time,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 32 (June 2008), 141.

“Cat Math,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 32 (August 2008), 136.

“Regular Riders,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 33 (February 2009), 104-105.

“Doing Splits,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 33 (August 2009), 63.

“DoT Acolytes,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 34 (January 2010), 59.

“Kitchen Deities” and “Martian Opal,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 34 (April/May 2010), 9, 61.

“Egg Protection,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 34 (September 2010), 61.

“Being One with Your Broom,” and “Vampire Politics,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 35 (October/November 2011), 59, 139.

“How Many,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 37 (February 2013), 69.

“Gold Ring,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 38 (February 2014), 79.

“The Fates Rebel,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 39 (March 2015), 45.

“The Riches of the Cloud Country,” Asimov's Science Fiction, forthcoming.

“Open-Ended Universe,” Amazing, 61 (July 1986), 68.

“Candle-Castles,” Amazing, 62 (March 1988), 41.

“Cloud Manufactory,” Amazing, 63 (January 1989), 50.

“Dorothy and the Sequels,” Amazing, 64 (November 1989), 53.

“Two Poems in Memory of J. R. R. Tolkien,” in The Tolkien Scrapbook, ed. Alida Becker (NY: Grosset & Dunlap, 1978), pp. 130-131.

“How to Tell Time Travelers,” Analog, 109 (March 2000), 101.

“Star Spears,” Analog, 120 (March 2000), 71.

“Recent Collections,” in Xanadu, ed. Jane Yolen (NY: Tor, 1995), p. 35.

“Spacemail Only,” The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, 132 (March/April 2017), 45.

“Escaping the Ogre,” The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, 135 (November/December 2018), 143-144.

“The Riches of the Cloud Country,” Asimov's Science Fiction, (May/June 2020).


Poems in small-press sf/fantasy magazines and anthologies

“Winter Persephone,” in Aliens and Lovers, ed. Millea Kenin (Oakland CA: Unique Graphics, 1983), p. 93.

“Computative Oak,” in Burning with a Vision, ed. Robert Frazier (Philadelphia: Owlswick Press, 1984), p. 11.

“Dark Planet Colony,” Beyond, 4 (May 1986), 22.

“The Glass Cat,” Beyond, 8 (1987), 10.

“Assuming an Afterlife and Other Worlds,” Fungi, 10 (Summer 1986), 19.

“Further Planets,” Fungi, 11 (Autumn 1986), 33-34.

“Limestone and Coral,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 1 (Fall 1986), 16.

“The Sorrel Nag Remembers,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 5 (Spring/Summer 1989), 41.

“The Real Moon,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 10 (Spring/Summer 1992), 34.

“Three Haiku,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 12 (Fall/Winter 1993), 9.

“On Webster Hill: Reflections on Rereading City,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 16 (Spring/Summer 1996), 11.

“Day Care Golems,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 19 (August 1998), 80.

“Dark Constellations” and “Silicon Trade Agreement,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 19 (August 1998), 36, 88.

“Designer Decorator Ghosts,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 21 (April 2000), 35.

“They Moved While I Was Taking the Picture,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 22 (April 2001), 35.

“Planet Clones: Mars,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 23 (April 2002), 69.

“Planet Clones: Wet Venus,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 24 (July 2003), 93.

“A Handful of Time” and “The Order of the Days,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 26 (October 2005), 43, 113.

“Orpheus Gives Directions to the Mystics” and “Outlawing Big Cars,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 26 (Summer 2007), 7, 116.

“Closed Shelves,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 30 (2010), 31.

“Witches' Checkout,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 31 (2014), 83.

“Had I Approached My Discovery in a More Noble Spirit,” Weird Tales, 50 (Spring 1988), 110.

“The Legend of the Man-Mountain,” Weird Tales, 52 (Fall 1990), 59.

“Sphinx' Game,” Weird Tales, 52 (Winter 1990-1991), 28.

“Griffin Gold,” Weird Tales, 52 (Summer 1991), 28.

“The Mashgeakh Rejects the Dragonslayer,” Worlds of Fantasy & Horror, [Weird Tales ], (Summer 1996), 39.

“The Mannikin's Child,” Weird Tales, 56 (Fall 1999), 30.

“Gnome Holidays,” Weird Tales, 56 (Winter 1999/2000), 50.

“Moods and Tenses,” Weird Tales, 58 (Summer 2002), 49.

“Magic Trick,” Minnesota Fantasy Review, 1 (October 1987), 45.

“Grey Garden Planet,” The Leading Edge, 16 (Winter 1998), 24-26.

“Daniel Dragonslayer” and reprints of “Computative Oak,” “Al Hodge (Captain Video),” “The Glass Cat,” and “The Little Green Men Send an Ambassador to Earth,” in Time Gum, ed. Terry A. Garey and Eleanor Arnason (Minneapolis MN: Rune Press, 1988), pp. 36-40.

“Before 3000°K,” “Clock-Eyed,” and “Pyrite Fossils,” in Paper Bag Writer, ed. Terry A. Garey (Minneapolis MN: Bagperson Press, 1990), pp. 10-12.

“Apotheosis,” “A Few Remarks on the Hybernation of Animals,” “Magics,” “Moon Marvels,” “Moon Stone Analysis,” “Scarecrow Dancing,” “Star Archeology,” and “Wizard's Road,” and reprints of “Nick Chopper the Tin Woodman,” “Dorothy and the Sequels,” and “Before 3000°K,” in Time Frames, ed. Terry A. Garey (Minneapolis MN: Rune Press, 1991), pp. 3-10.

“Potherb Gardening,” “Cloud Manufactory,” “Potatoes of the Tree,” “Technoghosts,” “The Boy in the Golden Atom,” and “Pet Fossil,” reprinted in Lady Poetesses from Hell, ed. Bag Person Press Collective (Minneapolis MN: Bagperson Press, 2012), pp. 22, 35-36, 51. 64. 82, 96-97.

“The Singing Harp,” Starshore, 1 (Winter 1990), 49.

“Jeremiad for the Maccabee,” in Testament of Lael, ed. Maggie Cooper (Jacksonville FL: AE Press, 1993), p. 76.

“Alien Stamps” and “Spacemail Correspondence,” in Crossings: Beyond the Parallel Lines, ed. Melissa Gish (Cleveland MN: Strait-Jacket Publications, 1993), p. 15.

“On the Jade Mountain” and “Icarus,” in Masques, Images of Myth, ed. Melissa Gish (Cleveland MN: Strait-Jacket Publications, 1994), pp. 1, 5.

“Mortal and Triton” (reprinted from Kansas Quarterly), in Mermaid Tavern, ed. Melissa Gish (Cleveland MN: Strait-Jacket Publications, 1996), pp. 18-19.

“Green Light Dip,” in Mindspark Science Fiction Poetry, ed. Marianne J. Dyson & Catherine Asaro (Laurel MD: Molecudyne, 1996), p. 44.

“Unicorn Shoot,” Star*Line, 19 (March-June 1996), 18.

“Time Trio,” Star*Line, 20 (January-February 1979), 7-8.

“The Boy in the Golden Atom,” Star*Line, 21 (May-June 1998), 8.

“Darwin in Sunlight (Spring 1858)” and “The Circle of the Sea,” Star*Line, 24 (September-October 2001), 2, 5.

“Moon-Dream,” Star*Line, 25 (May-June 2002), 6.

“The Invisible Man: An Emblematic Poem,” Star*Line, 40 (Summer 2017), 15.

“Sunrise on the Flat Earth,” Star*Line, 40 (Fall 2017), 39-40.

“Gnome Footing,” Mooreeffoc, 6 (Winter 2001/2002), 37.

“Taking the Unicorn to the King,” Mythic Delirium, 6 (Winter/Spring 2002), 15.

“Mer-Races,” Black Lily, 10 (Spring 2002), 14.

“Tubishvat Ghost Story,” The Magazine of Speculative Poetry, 6 (Spring 2003), 14.

“Seating Chart,” The Magazine of Speculative Poetry, 6 (Autumn 2004), 7.

“Werefir Story,” The Magazine of Speculative Poetry, 7 (Autumn 2005), 10-11.

“Why We Get Viruses,” The Magazine of Speculative Poetry, 9 (Fall 2013), 32.

“Potherb Gardening” in The Alchemy of Stars: Rhysling Award Winners Showcase, ed. Roger Dutcher & Mike Allen (Rockville MD: Science Fiction Poetry Association & Prime Books, 2005), p. 154 (reprinted from Asimov's Science Fiction, 2002).

“Medusa and Midas” in Medusa: Poetry Anthology, ed. Steve Sneyd (West Yorkshire UK: Hilltop Press, 2005), p. 32 (reprinted from River Images, 1999).

“Grave Gifts,” Dreams and Nightmares, 70 (January 2005), 19.

“Wendy Waiting,” Dreams and Nightmares, 73 (January 2006), 4-5.

“God Playing Dice,” Dreams and Nightmares, 77 (May 2007), 17.

“Dreaming a Cartoon,” Dreams and Nightmares, 81 (September 2008), 16-17.

“Windowshopping on the Streets of Dream,” Dreams and Nightmares, 84 (September 2009), 13-14.

“Affair,” Dreams and Nightmares, 86 (May 2010), 5.

“A Dream of Simulacra,” Dreams and Nightmares, 87 (September 2010), 7-8.

“The Vampire's Wedding,” Dreams and Nightmares, 91 (January 2012), 12.

“Science Fiction (with apologies to Marianne Moore's 'Poetry')” Dreams and Nightmares, 98 (May 2014), 10-11.

“Spending Time” and “Time Travel Vocabulary Problems,” Dreams and Nightmares, 100 (January 2015), 11, 26.

“Explosion in the Time Factory,” Dreams and Nightmares, 110 (September 2018), 12.

“Dealing in Tarot,” in Sporty Spec: Games of the Fantastic, ed. Karen A. Romanko (Los Angeles CA: Raven Electric Ink, 2007), p. 81.

“TV Tea” in Cinema Spec: Tales of Hollywood and Fantasy, ed. Karen A. Romanko (Los Angeles CA: Raven Electric Ink, 2009), pp. 50-51 (reprinted from Asimov's Science Fiction).

“Monster Love,” Silver Blade Magazine, 11 (August 2011), 12 (

“Ogres,” Spaceports and Spidersilk, (June 2012), 12 (

“Finding Aliens” and “The Words of Mars,” Tales of the Talisman, Vol. 10 No. 3 [March] 2015, 51, 70.

“Siren Song” and “Venus Pyrites,” Illumen, Vol. 11 No. 2 [April] 2015, 31.

“Turvy Mirrors,” The Outposts of Beyond, Vol. 3. No. 1 July 2015, 42.

“Herschel Harmony,” Eye to the Telescope, No. 16 April 2015, 3.

“The Road to Long-Ago” and “Dark Shuttle,” Spectral Realms, No. 6 [April] 2017), 59, 107.


Poems in general magazines and anthologies

“Soundstage,” Saturday Review, January 30, 1971, p. 21.

“Computative Oak,” Saturday Review, March 20, 1971, p. 21.

“For Douglas Rain in Ontario,” Toronto Life, November, 1973, p. 48.

“Elijah Passing By” and “Rashi's Living,” Journal of Reform Judaism, 25 (Summer 1978), 22.

“Ensigns of the Sons of Jacob,” Journal of Reform Judaism, 26 (Winter 1979), 24.

“Elijah Passing Over,” Jewish Currents, 33 (May 1979), 31.

“The Kenite,” Jewish Currents, 35 (May 1981), 17.

“Gideon the Hacker,” Jewish Currents, 40 (November 1985), 25.

“My Grandmother and the Naming of Names,” Jewish Currents, 47 (October 1993), 9.

“Space Sukkoth,” Jewish Currents, 59 (September-October 2005), 10.

“Eden Ornamentals,” Jewish Currents, 64 (Autumn 2009), 40.

“Republican Collectives,” Jewish Currents, 67 (Winter 2012/13), [31].

“David’s Therapy,” Reconstructionist , 46 (May 1980), 31.

“David Emblazoned,” Reconstructionist, 46 (January 1981), 28.

“Riddle's End,” Reconstructionist, 51 (June 1986), 4.

“The Measure of the Molten Sea,” Brotherhood, 19 (January-February 1986), 8.

“Purim Dance,” Brotherhood, 20 (January-February 1987), 12.

“The Stars in Their Courses,” Judaism, 36 (Winter 1987), 74.

“In a Name,” Birdwatcher's Digest, 12 (January-February 1990), 109.


Selected Poems in literary magazines and anthologies

“Dianiac on a Gibbous Night,” The North Stone Review, 1 (Fall 1971), 45.

“Smokestacks” amd “Sinai Peninsula Photographed from a Gemini Flight,” Jean’s Journal, 11 (August 1973), 54-55.

“Frog in Waiting,” Poet Lore, 68 (Autumn 1973), 280.

“Standing on blacktop” and “Excerpts from the Log,” Texas Quarterly, 68 (Autumn 1973), 141-142.

“Teacher of Engl 121: The Romantic Period,” Kansas Quarterly, 5 (Fall 1973), 50.

“Dinah,” Kansas Quarterly, 8 (Fall 1976), 52.

“Dyed Garden,” Kansas Quarterly, 13 (Summer/Fall 1981), 46.

“Placement Committee,” Kansas Quarterly, 16 (Winter/Spring 1984), 63.

“Star Wheels” and “Nick Chopper the Tin Woodman,” Kansas Quarterly, 19 (Summer 1987), 125-126.

“Stale Air and the Cause of Colds” and “Mortal and Triton,” Kansas Quarterly, 21 (Winter/Spring 1989), 70-71.

“Get Rid of Unsightly” and “Season Drink,” Kansas Quarterly, 22 (Summer 1990), 123.

“Unmoved Sunflower,” Amanuensis, 2 (Autumn 1973), 19.

“Attack from Cumulus,” Amanuensis, 3 (Spring 1975), 3.

“Defining Terms” and “Memorable Night,” Windless Orchard, (Winter 1973), 7.

“Spinster,” Bitterroot, 13 (Autumn 1974), 29.

“Winter Solstice,” Green’s Magazine, 4 (Winter 1976), 1.

“SF Illusion,” Green’s Magazine, 5 (Autumn 1976), 20.

“Force of Attraction” and “Enapparitionment,” Poetry Forum, (Summer 1976), 7.

“The Little Green Men Send an Ambassador to Earth,” “Frozen in Scarlet,” and “Returned Changeling,” The DeKalb Literary Arts Journal, 10 (Winter 1977), 7-9.

“The Branching Rain,” Creative Moment & Poetry Eastwest, 1/94 (#9, 1976), 7.

“Athena in Marble” and “Spectral Grey,” Old Hickory Review, 11 (Spring-Summer 1979), 39.

“Anserine Year,” Carousel Quarterly of Poetry, 4 (Summer 1979), 4.

“Mouseketeers on a Talk Show” and “Snow Mall,” Great River Review, 2 (#1 1979), 44-45.

“Space Passover,” Lake Street Review, 7 (Summer 1979), 24.

“The Beasts Along the Dusty Road,” Lake Street Review, 18 (Winter 1985), 6.

“Survey Course,” CEA Forum, 7 (October 1976), 15.

“Fell Sweet Course,” Forum, 15 (SummerFall 1977), 85.

“Death by Seashell,” Pawn Review, 3 (#1-2 1978), 103.

“The Amateurs,” Milkweed Chronicle, 1 (Winter 1980), 24.

“Apparent Angular Diameter,” South Carolina Review, 13 (Fall 1980), 74.

“Potatoes of the Tree,” South Carolina Review, 38 (Fall 2005), 185-186.

“The Blessing” and “The Poet Reads to the Women's Poetry Society,” Poem, 38 (March 1980), 53-54.

“Double Planet Night” and “And Sought to Kill Him,” Poem, 38 (November 1991), 25-26.

“Porch Shadows,” Jump River Review, 5 (September 1980), 9.

“Aesop in the Lilac Woods,” The Sandcutters, 15 (Winter 1981), 14.

“Garden Flights,” Piedmont Literary Review, 6 (September 1981), 8.

“Al Hodge (Captain Video),” Poetalk , 9 (March 1982), 3.

“Bedrock, Northern Minnesota,” Images , 7 (#2, 1981), 8.

“First Snowfall,” Poetalk (2015), 30.

“Bishops' Protest,” Poetalk (Summer 2017), 10.

“Lisa Draws Lisa,” “By the Stereo,” and “Ebenezer's Arabian Nights,” Inlet, 11 (July 1982), 11, 28, 31.

“Henbit Blooming,” Inlet, 12 (1983), 27.

“Saber-Toothed Cats,” Inlet, 14 (1983), 27.

“Not Counting Thunder,” Inlet, 15 (1983), 40.

“A Good Music Station,” Sands Magazine, (1983), 50.

“Fall Blazon” and “A Fine Day Early in March,” Sands Magazine, (1984), 78.

“Explorer of the Upper Mississippi,” Negative Capability, 3 (#3, 1983), 46-47.

“Wordplay,” Negative Capability , 11 (#1 1991), 46-47.

“The Dream-of-the-Month Club,” Jam Today, 10 (1983), 62.

“The Snow Queen's Portrait,” in The Poet Dreaming in the Artist's House, ed. Emilie Buchwald & Ruth Roston (Minneapolis MN: Milkweed Editions, 1984), p. 84.

“Arcady Weed,” Aura, 18 (Spring-Summer 1984), 17.

“Terrene Astronomy,” “The Cartographer,” “The Needs of Fire,” and “Grasshopper and Sleep,” Aura, 20 (Spring 1986), 92-95.

“Dream Spell,” Aura, 21 (Fall-Winter 1986), 82.

“Crocodiles in Cream,” Aura, 1, n.s. (Spring-Summer 1986), 82.

“Dickens and the Visiting Duck (H. C. Andersen in England),” The Davidson Miscellany, 19 (Spring 1984), 26.

“Noah's Animals,” Southern Humanities Review, 19 (Spring 1985), 170.

“Delphic Oracle,” The Davidson Miscellany , 19 (Spring 1984), 26.

“Dark Aether and Meteors Within” and “Cottonwood Exercise,” The Great Lakes Review, 11 (Spring 1985), 40-41.

“The Dog in the Meadow,” Spectrum, 28 (#1/2, 1986), 27.

“Snow Games” and “Sun Cat,” Red Cedar Review, 18 (Winter 1986), 48-49.

“Judith in her Finery,” Loonfeather, 8 (Summer 1987), 11-12.

“Aerial Photographer to Pilot,” Loonfeather, 10 (Spring 1988), 23.

“Identified Flying Object” and “Tree Parable: a Tubishvat Ghost Story,” Loonfeather, 15 (Spring-Summer 1994), 25-26.

“Dead Said the Lady,” Skylark, 21 (1992), 73.

“Not in the Catalogues,” Pinehurst Journal, (Spring 1993), 32.

“Camera Obscurant,” South Dakota Review, 31 (Fall 1993), 139.

“Queen Colors” and “Queen Dance,” Texas Review, 15 (Fall/Winter 1994), 81-82.

“With a One-Year-Old in the Wildflower Garden,” Sidewalks, 10 (Spring 1996), 3.

“Star Water,” Sidewalks, 12 (Spring/Summer 1997), 72.

“Street with Starfall,” North Coast Review, (Spring 1997), 31.

“Cat Dreaming” and “Spring Water,” North Coast Review, (Winter 1997), 28-29.

“Wicked Caretaker,” Hawai'i Review, 22 (Fall/Winter 1999), 101.

“Ice Castle,” Hawai'i Review, 32 (Spring 2010), 61.

“Homecoming,” Flyway, 4 (Fall 1998/Winter 1998-1999), 139.

“Ways to Stage the Shrew,” ArtWord Quarterly, 17 (Summer 1999), 37.

“The Misers of Poverty,” ArtWord Quarterly, 19 (Winter 2000), 28.

“The O.K. Actor,” Thin Air, 4 (#1, 1999), 60.

“Medusa and Midas,” River Images, 2 (Fall/Winter 1999), 15 (reprinted in Medusa: Poetry Anthology, ed. Steve Sneyd, 2005, p. 32).

“Holidays on the Planet with No Axial Tilt,” River Images, 2 (Spring 2000), 17.

“The Witches' Supermarket,” The Talking Stick, 93(2000), 51.

“Skyways,” in Minnesota Poetry Calendar 2001, ed. Beverly Voldseth (Goodhue MN: Black Hat Press, 2001), p. 30.

“Shield Rock,” Bellowing Ark, 20 (November-December 2004), 13.

“The Shadow Maker,” Bellowing Ark, 21 (May-June 2005), 26.

“Lucky Numbers,” Bellowing Ark, 22 (September-October 2006), 31.

“Remembering Before,” Bellowing Ark, 22 (November-December 2006), 13.

“Running for a Reason: The Scaredy Cat Game,” Bellowing Ark, 23 (July-August 2007), 10.

“Sidewalk Charts,” Bellowing Ark, 25 (January-February 2009), 14.

“Getting Marbles,” Bellowing Ark, 26 (July-August 2010), 23.

“Invisibility” and “Sukkah Traffic,” Old Red Kimono, 33 (Spring 2004), 2, 51.

“Knowledge Of,” Kerem: Creative Explorations in Judaism, 10 (5766/2005-2006), 104 (reprinted in Nebula Awards Showcase 2008, The Year's Best SF and Fantasy, ed. Ben Bova, 2008).

“The Wind Coming,” Prairie Winds, (2007), 52.

“Explaining to the Cat,” Blue Unicorn, 31 (October 2007), 31.

“Orange Cat,” Blue Unicorn, 34 (October 2010), 18.

“Sophomoric,” Blue Unicorn, 35 (February 2012), 25.

“Silver Fish,” Blue Unicorn, 36 (October 2012), 27.

“Snow Shadows,” Blue Unicorn, 37 (October 2013), 15.

“Pigeonfall,” Blue Unicorn, 38 (February 2015), 33.

“Keeping in Touch with the Dead,” Blue Unicorn, 40 (February 2016), 30.

“Lost Pawn,” Skidrow Penthouse, 10 (2009), 79.

“Couleurs de Temps,” Skidrow Penthouse, 12 (2011), 151.

“His Father Overseas,” Compass Rose, 9 (2009), 50.

“Exit Idomeneo,” The Sow's Ear Poetry Review, 19 (Summer 2009), 32.

“Dream Elevator,” The Sow's Ear Poetry Review, 20 (Winter 2011), 6.

“On the Grant Map,” Confrontation, 105/106 (Winter 2009/Spring 2010), 272.

“Wheat-Yellow Grass,” Seems, 45 (2011), 21.

“Marble Trove” and “The Shorter Pepys,” Indefinite Space, 19 (2010/2011), 34-35.

“Story Dominion” and “Trolls,” Indefinite Space, 21 (2012/2013), 34-35.

“In-Group at the Reunion,” Oyez Review, 40 (Spring 2013), 71.

“Morning Glory Shapes,” The Listening Eye (2013), 33.

“Two-Squirrel Trio,” The Chaffin Journal (2013), 77.

“Flawed X-Ray,” Plainsongs, 34 (Winter 2014), 17.

“Arachnids,” Plainsongs, 37 (Spring 2017), 83.

“Cat Camouflage,” California Quarterly, 40 (#1, 2014), 31.

“Angelo's Reprieve,” Ship of Fools, (Spring 2014), 34-35.

“Bath Coin” and “Coins in the Fountain,” Poetry Now, #1 (2015), 5-6.

“Stone Woods,” Avalon Literary Review, (Summer 2015), 38.

“Sunset Smoke,” “Bright As,” and “Convincing the Cat,” The Moccasin, #78 (2015), 11, 16, 33.

“Mookai” and “My Brother Steals from Crows,” the Kerf, (Fall 2015), 11, 30.

“We Are All Dragons,” Spillway, #24 (2016), 127.

“Steam Engine,” Talking River, #40 (2016), 96.

“No Shoes No Shots,” Hubbub, 32 (2017), 40.

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