Ruth Berman's short stories

Selected Bibliography (short stories)


Fiction in sf/fantasy magazines and anthologies

“Ptolemaic Hijack,” Worlds of Fantasy, 1 (Spring 1971), 171-190.

“3-OK,” The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, 43 (July 1972), 74-81.

“A Board in the Other Direction,” The Magazine of Fantasy and Science FictionJanuary 1974), 86-94; reprinted in Pawn to Infinity, ed. Fred Saberhagen with Joan Saberhagen (NY: Ace, 1982), pp. 189-200.

“Stretch of Time,” Analog, 110 (October 1972), 158-164.

“Lakewood Cemetery,” in New Worlds 6, ed. Charles Platt & Hilary Bailey (NY: Avon, 1974), pp. 128-131.

“Draconian Inheritance,” Galileo, 1 (Fall 1976), 62-65.

“To Ceremark,” in New Voices in Science Fiction, ed. George R. R. Martin (NY: Macmillan, 1977), pp. 128-131.

“Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited,” in Star Trek: The New Voyages, ed. Sondra Marshak & Myrna Culbreath (NY: Bantam, 1976), pp. 83-96; and (in collaboration with Eleanor Arnason) “The Face on the Bar-Room Floor,” pp. 99-121.

“In Spring a Livelier Iris,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 3 (November 1979), 72-87.

“The Buried Sword,” Asimov's Science Fiction, 28 (June 2004), 84-95 (reprinted in Bradamant’s Quest).

“Dragon Sunday,” in Shadows 2, ed. Charles Grant (NY: Doubleday, 1979), pp. 67-70; reprinted in 100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories, ed. Al Sarrantonio & Martin H. Greenberg (NY: Barnes & Noble, 1993), pp. 124-126.

“What I Did During My Park Vacation,” in Microcosmic Tales, ed. Isaac Asimov et al. (NY: Taplinger, 1980), pp. 263-264.

“Marilyn and the King,” in Tales by Moonlight 2, ed. Jessica Amanda Salmonson (NY: Tor, 1989), pp. 28-32 (reprinted from Grimoire).

“In a Season of Calm Weather,” Amazing, 61 (September 1986), 60-62.

“Professor and Colonel,” in Mathenauts: Tales of Mathematical Wonder, ed. Rudy Rucker (NY: Arbor House, 1987), pp. 62-68.

“The Dragon's Skin,” in Dragon Fantastic, ed. Rosalind M. & Martin H. Greenberg (NY: DAW, 1992), pp. 187-204 (reprinted in Bradamant's Quest).

“Sherlock Holmes in Oz,” in The Game is Afoot, ed. Marvin Kaye (NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1994), pp. 431-440.


Fiction in small-press sf/fantasy magazines and anthologies

“The Haunted Apartment,” in Fifty Extremely SF Stories, ed. Michael Bastraw (Center Harbor NH: Niekas Publications, 1982), p. 40.

“The Ones Who Pickaback away from Omelets,” Space and Time, 63 (Winter 1982/1983), 39-41.

“Paul Bunyan and the Moon,” Space and Time, 71 (Winter 1987), 103-113.

“Far from the Dragons of Deimos,” Space and Time, 75 (Winter 1989), 86-88.

(translated) “The Devil's Stewpot” (“La Marmite du Diable,” by Charles Deulin), Space and Time, 85 (Spring 1995), 12-20.

“Elem Alchem 1B,” Dragonlore, 3 (Spring 1983), 26-32.

“Marilyn and the King,” Grimoire, 1 (Spring 1983), 13-15 (reprinted in Tales by Moonlight 2, ed. Jessica Amanda Salmonson.

“Witch Gretel,” Fantasy & Terror, 5 (1985), 3-4.

“Shell Game,” Argonaut, 11 (Fall 1984), 4-17.

“The Death of Gawaine,” Alpha Adventures Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine, 2 (May 1985), 28-32.

“Sunbloom Achilles,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 1 (Fall 1986), 10, 35-36.

“The Dancing Princes,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 6 (Fall/Winter 1989/1990), 30-34.

“Vengeance,” Tales of the Unanticipated, 14 (Winter/Spring/Summer 1994/1995), 55.

“Boomp,” Fantasy Macabre, 8 (1986), 26-31.

“Alder-Woman,” Fantasy Macabre, 15 (1992), 4-6.

“Stones by the Water,” Hadrosaur Tales, 6 (1998), 135-144.

“The Chimney-Dragon,” The Fifth Dimension, March 2012,


Fiction in general and literary magazines

“The Statement of Mrs. Thaddeus Usheen to the Press upon Being Rescued by the Coast Guard,” Four Quarters, 20 (March 1971), 29-31.

“The Blood Thereof,” Jewish Frontier, 40 (January 1973), 21-23.

“What I Did During My Park Vacation,” in Microcosmic Tales, reprinted in Skills for Reading, ed. Olive Stafford Niles et al. (Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1983), pp. 160-61; in Futures, ed. John H. Althouse (Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1994), pp. 133-34; and in Literature and Integrated Studies, Grade 9, Reading, Writing and Grammar Skillbook (Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1997), pp. 72-73.

“Coricopat's Demonstration of the Truth,” Cats Magazine, 30 (November 1973), 24-25.

“The Hanukah Bush Ghost,” Identity, 11 (December 1976), 29-34.

“Totentanz,” Green River Review, 10 (1979), 41-44.

“An Orphic Mystery,” Menomonie Review, 1 (Spring 1982), 16-18.

“Deborah the Maccabee,” Shofar, 7 (December 1989), 12-15.

“Worm Bidding,” Foliate Oak, http:///

“Motley Menorah,” The Avalon Literary Review (Fall 2018), 43-44.

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